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Vein Ablations

Vein Ablations services offered in Chino and Pomona, CA

Ablations are medical procedures that treat a wide range of conditions, from arrhythmias to varicose veins. At Pearl Cardio-Vascular of Inland Empire in Chino, California, the vascular specialists perform ablations to treat vascular conditions and uterine fibroids. Call today or use the online booking button to learn more about ablations at Pearl Cardio-Vascular of Inland Empire. 

What should I know about ablations?

Ablations are medical procedures doctors perform to treat many health conditions. Doctors perform these procedures using traditional surgical and minimally invasive methods that remove tissue.

Pearl Cardio-Vascular of Inland Empire is a vascular practice that performs ablations to treat vascular conditions. They also perform ablations to treat uterine fibroids, noncancerous tumors that grow in the uterus.

The physicians at the practice take a holistic approach to patient care, providing all the services you need at one location, including medical care and minimally invasive procedures. 

I have varicose veins. What ablations can get rid of them?

Venous ablation is a procedure that treats varicose veins, which are enlarged superficial veins that affect the look and texture of your skin. Varicose veins aren’t always a serious health concern, but they are a sign of a circulation problem. 

Venous ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that uses thermal (radiofrequency or laser) energy to heat and destroy the visible vein. The vein collapses, and your body reroutes blood through a healthy vein, and your varicose veins disappear over time.

The vascular specialists also perform ablations to treat spider veins using a similar technique described above. You may also need venous ablation if you have venous insufficiency, a venous disease in which the veins in the legs are unable to efficiently pump blood back to the heart and lungs. 

Call Pearl Cardio-Vascular of Inland Empire today or use the online booking button to learn more about ablations that treat cardiovascular diseases.

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